
{{__("Search Options")}}

{{__("Square Size Unit")}}

{{__("Map Provider")}}

{{__('Change map provider of your website')}}

{{__('Map Options Default')}}
{{ __('Get lat - lng in here') }} https://www.latlong.net

{{__("Social Login")}}

{{__('Change social login information for your website')}}



{{__('Change map provider of your website')}}

{{__("ReCaptcha Config")}}

{{__("Custom Scripts for all languages")}}

{{__('Add custom HTML script before and after the content, like tracking code')}}

{{__("Custom Scripts")}}

{{__('scripts before closing head tag')}}

{{__('scripts after open of body tag')}}


{{__("Custom Scripts for :name",['name'=>request()->query('lang')])}}

{{__('Add custom HTML script before and after the content, like tracking code')}}

{{__("Custom Scripts")}}

{{__('scripts before closing head tag')}}

{{__('scripts after open of body tag')}}


{{__("Cookie agreement")}}

{{__("Cookie agreement config")}}
@if(setting_item('cookie_agreement_enable') != 1)

{{__('You must enable on main lang.')}}

@endif @endif